NPR Water Reuse Segment Quotes WRRC Director

Image: Orange County Water District
On October 29, 2024, NPR’s All Things Considered radio program broadcast an information piece on wastewater recharge and reuse. Journalist Pien Huang interviewed experts about Orange County Water District’s facilities, which include advanced treatment technology, recharge ponds, and manmade waterfalls. Huang asked WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal why the Orange County strategy of wastewater reuse to recharge aquifers and augment water supplies is not more commonly adopted. Megdal noted the complexity and cost, stating “This is not a simple undertaking….” She explained that water quality can be affected by the physical and chemical characteristics of such projects, and that they are quite expensive. However, according to Megdal, these kinds of projects will get more attention as climate change impacts other water sources.