Diversifying Voices in Water Resources (DViWR):

Diversifying Voices in Water Resources (DViWR)

As a trusted information and engagement resource for Arizona, the WRRC has undertaken a multi-phase initiative to broaden the range of participation in water resource dialogues.

The first phase was uncovering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) trends and patterns in water resources through an extensive literature review. 

The second phase has been the development of a DEI outreach survey of National Institutes of Water Resources (NIWR) directors or designated staff. The survey will be the first known to address DEI in water resource dialogues and outreach and is expected to be released in 2023.

The third phase is to gather data and release a “Best Practices to Community Engagement in Water Resources” which will be available as a source to anyone wishing to engage with the community on water resources.