Update on the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program, with a focus on the Arizona-Sonora Components
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Información actualizada sobre el Programa de Evaluación de Acuíferos Transfronterizos, con especial atención en los componentes de Arizona-Sonora.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of over 4,000 synthetic chemicals that have been widely produced and used since the 1940s.
A new report from the University of Arizona looks at the challenges that a drying climate poses to agriculture, particularly in arid places such as Arizona.
Located in one of the most arid portions of the country, Arizona’s food production systems are increasingly threatened by a drying climate, and there is…
In the United States, the lack of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in water governance and management has been identified as a serious problem…
Arizona has been at the forefront of groundwater management since the establishment of the Groundwater Management Act in 1980. The Central Arizona Groundwater…
Publicado en el Día Mundial del Agua 2022, el Informe de Desarrollo Mundial del Agua de las Naciones Unidas 2022, Agua subterránea: Haciendo lo invisible…
Released on World Water Day 2022, the 2022 United Nations World Water Development Report, Groundwater: Making the invisible visible [1], highlights…
Las aguas subterráneas satisfacen las necesidades de agua potable de cerca del 50% de la población mundial y contribuyen a más del 40% de la producción mundial…
Groundwater serves the drinking water needs of about 50% of the global population and contributes to over 40% of the global production of irrigated crops. Over…
En 2017, el Centro de Investigación de Recursos Hídricos de la Universidad de Arizona comenzó a trabajar en un esfuerzo de cinco años del Programa de…
In 2017, the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center started working on a Five-Year Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP) effort funded…
Groundwater is vital to the sustainability and survival of human communities in the U.S.-Mexico border region, a nearly 2000 mile-long, arid zone in North…
El agua subterránea es vital para la sostenibilidad y supervivencia de las comunidades humanas en la región fronteriza entre Estados Unidos y México, una zona…