Groundwater depletion has been brought to the public's attention lately, beginning with a series of high-profile articles in the New York Times. The articles infer the need for greater federal involvement and control over the nation's groundwater. Separately, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) formed a working group and solicited input on “America's Groundwater Challenges.” The PCAST request suggested federal actions were needed. However, many responses raised questions and concerns about the nature and scope of such actions (PCAST 2024a).
While safeguarding groundwater is a global challenge, the most effective solutions are found at the local or regional aquifer system level. Groundwater occurs in aquifers that are highly variable in size, geology, climate, overlying land use, water quality, and water uses. The response times of groundwater systems to pumping, connections to surface water, recharge characteristics, and environmental functions also vary widely. Each groundwater system requires individual attention.