JCWRE Announces New Open-Access Publishing Platform

The Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (JCWRE) recently announced its new publishing platform. The JCWRE is a publication of the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) and is now being published through Digital Commons, which offers open access to readers. Based on her own experience, WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal, who currently serves as UCOWR’s lead delegate for the University of Arizona (U of A) and served as UCOWR president from 2017–2018, recommends JCWRE as an outlet for water resources research. Having work published in an open-access journal ensures that the author’s research is freely accessible to all, resulting in a broader audience and greater impact. In addition, JCWRE offers a low author publishing rate of $300 for UCOWR members, which includes the U of A. This low rate and the open-access platform provide authors with an affordable publishing opportunity and easy reader access. The JCWRE is currently accepting submissions for consideration, with all articles subject to peer-review.