We are at a critical juncture in water management in Arizona. We are increasingly relying on known renewable water supplies, particularly Central Arizona…
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Does it take a Crypto Creature to catch public attention and raise concerns about critical water issues citizens should know and care about? The Water Services…
Following on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Arsenic Rule’ decision to lower the allowable arsenic content in drinking water from 50 to 10 parts…
One of the more interesting and sometimes debated elements of Arizona’s Groundwater Storage and Recovery Program is the Groundwater Savings Program (GSP). The…
Keywords: water harvesting, rezoning, amendment, water conservation
Urbanization, channelization, ground-water depletion, irrigated agriculture, and a variety of other activities have significiantly affected many of Arizona's…
Special double issue! This publication is a "twofer" containing a shortened version of the Arizona Water Resource newsletter along with the most…
An individual in an industrialized urban society may use from one million to five million gallons of water during their lifetime. If the share of industrial,…
I traveled to Paris in June to give a lecture sponsored by the Parisian water provider Eau de Paris and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Water issues have often divided the Tucson community, but our core views may be more similar than we thought. That is one of the conclusions I draw from…
More than half-way into the 45-year period for meeting the goals of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act (GMA), the Arizona Department of Water Resources (…
Five person volunteer Commission of public citizens appointed by the Council • SWUC provides a forum to hear and recommend issues surrounding bonds,…
I have been thinking quite a bit about water planning. Water managers and leaders throughout the state have been discussing the many challenges associated with…
Existing water conservation programs may not effectively target water users that are motivated by environmental concerns. An earlier project, which…
Regular readers of this column know I have often discussed the daunting challenge of meeting the water needs of our growing population. Meeting the water needs…