Keywords: climate change; adaptation; sea level rise; precipitation; flooding; water quality; energy demand; green infrastructure
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In keeping with the featured theme of the current newsletter, which is the Arizona, Israeli, and Palestinian Water Management and Policy Workshop, my column,…
Los acuíferos transfronterizos y compartidos a lo largo de la frontera internacional Estados Unidos - México están sometidos a usos no sustentables y…
An increasingly frequent urban sight (although not in Arizona and the West) green roofs demonstrate a new meaning and purpose for roofs. Roofs, a hitherto…
This booklet is intended for Arizona residents who depend on private wells for their water needs. Well owners who want to become familiar with Arizona's…
The discipline of forestry can be traced back to 15th century Europe, and, for much of the intervening period, forestry has concerned itself primarily with the…
During the course of a year, I give over 30 invited lectures and talks to groups ranging from water professionals from foreign countries to local community…
This paper focuses on programs that provide water for the environment through direct check box donation programs orthrough voluntary municipal water…
Arizona has another Wild and Scenic River; Fossil Creek with it’s the travertine geological formations and crystal clear waters now shares the same protected…
River restoration activities are becoming increasingly common in many communities today. Such efforts in Arizona are illustrative of a larger ecosystem and…
Practicing water conservation is generally acknowledged to be a good thing. Everyone recognizes that one way to lessen the need to find new water sources to…
Keywords: stormwater, drainage, watershed
This report presents a general picture of riparian restoration in the Santa Cruz River basin, analyzing how and why various restoration projects were…
Nitrate is one of the most common contaminants in ground water in Arizona, exceeding the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in many aquifers in the state. …