One of the highlights of the graduate course in Arizona Water Policy I teach each Spring semester is our class field trip. The annual outing provides students…
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Glance up at the night sky, and you might see the movement of a celestial object belonging to a fleet of earth-observing satellites launched by the National…
The Cities of Mesa and Glendale, with a grant from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA), have partnered to develop this Low Impact…
What do communities get for their investments in Complete Streets? In this study of 37 projects, Smart Growth America found that Complete Streets projects…
The Green Infrastructure and the Sustainable Communities Initiative report, published by HUD’s Office of Economic Resilience, shares the green…
A pilot grey water treatment system and collection network were designed, installed, and operated in Jordan Valley using natural filtration materials. Grey…
Although green stormwater infrastructure is a critical tool for solving stormwater management challenges, it is evolving technology with inconsistent…
I am writing this column after attending the annual conference of the Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA), held December 10-12, 2014 in Las Vegas. …
The Southern Arizona Water Resources Association, SAWARA, was an important force in water management for the Tucson region at a key time in its history. …
Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations provides approaches that small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green…
The Roadmap for Considering Water for Arizona’s Natural Areas contains information on the current scientific understanding of water for natural areas and…
Abstract: Groundwater is a critical component of the water supply for agriculture, urban areas, industry, and ecosystems, but managing it is a challenge…
This report summarizes the six principal recommendations for developing a water management program for the Town of Clarkdale, Arizona In addition to the…
Episodic streamflow events in the Upper Santa Cruz River recharge a shallow alluvial aquifer that is an essential water resource for the surrounding…
Los caudales episódicos en la cuenca alta del río Santa Cruz recargan un acuífero aluvial poco profundo que constituye un recurso hídrico esencial para las…