Exciting and Full Schedule of Spring Events
March 4, 2022

Somehow, we are already at the threshold of Spring Break at UArizona. As we enter the second half of the semester, the WRRC looks forward to an exciting lineup of Brown Bag webinars and special events. March 14 is the next installment of the Native Voices in STEM (NVIS) seminar series, which focuses on wastewater epidemiology in Tribal communities, and is organized by UArizona Indige-FEWSS and several other UArizona departments and units, including the WRRC. On World Water Day (March 22), the WRRC will participate in a virtual "Teach-In" hosted by Pima County District 5. In collaboration with the Colorado Water Center at Colorado State University, the WRRC will host Looking Upstream: An Upper Basin Perspective on March 29. Join us for a panel moderated by Colorado Water Center Interim Director and Senior Water Policy Scholar Jennifer Gimbel, with speakers Jim Lochhead, CEO/Manager of Denver Water and Steve Wolff, General Manager of the Southwestern Water Conservation District. Then, kicking off events in April, the WRRC is co-sponsoring a Udall Center Workshop on green infrastructure research on April 6. On April 7, we will welcome Sofia Borgias, assistant professor at Boise State University for a presentation titled Public Interest, Indigenous Rights, and the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The final seminar of the NVIS series will be held April 11 with Dr. Tommy Rock presenting on Environmental Justice. Carlos A. de la Parra, Chair of the Board, Restauremos el Colorado, AC, will speak on civil society in the binational agreements on the Colorado River on April 19, and on April 27, Sharon Napier, National Program Leader for Water Reuse at the EPA Office of Water will speak on the programs of her office. In the afternoon of May 3, Jim Enote, CEO of the Colorado Plateau Foundation will discuss Counter Mapping, an effort to create maps that bring an Indigenous voice and perspective back to the land, countering Western notions of place and geography.
Visit our website and keep an eye on the Weekly Wave for information on these many exciting events, and more that are in development!
Image: Whitewater Draw, AZ, James Bowman, WRRC Photo Contest