APW Launches Nature of Groundwater Traveling Exhibit

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Arizona Project WET is excited to announce the Spring 2025 launch of a traveling exhibit for environmental education: The Nature of Groundwater. Visitors of all ages who interact with the exhibit’s experiential elements are asked to consider these questions: What is the nature of our relationship with groundwater? Is this relationship built to last?

This engaging mobile exhibit aims to promote aquifer awareness and deepen understanding of groundwater systems by highlighting healthy watersheds, the Arizona water cycle, the surface water/ground water connection, and water sustainability. This initiative aligns with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) mission of ensuring clean, safe water and empowering communities to make informed decisions regarding groundwater use and conservation. To determine if you are eligible* to host The Nature of Groundwater exhibition in your community, please visit this link.

*Criteria for EPA Environmental Education & Arizona Project WET site host consideration:

  1. Local education agencies, colleges or universities, state education or environmental agencies, nonprofit organizations as outlined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or non-commercial educational broadcasting entities that are licensed and defined by the Federal Communications Commission 
  2. Rural geographic designation 
  3. Low-income or underserved Arizona school districts