APW Festivals Bridge Age Groups

Arizona Project WET is only a handful of festivals away from wrapping up the 2024 Fall Water Festival season, and what a season it has been! This year, the team experienced growth and was able to bring many more festivals to Tucson’s 4th graders … but why stop at involving 4th graders alone?
Adding more water festivals meant a LOT of extra help was needed to make them all possible. The team realized there was an opportunity to grow the impact of APW’s water festivals by involving high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in science and education. Conversations began with teachers at schools in the Sunnyside, Flowing Wells, and TUSD districts, where there was enthusiastic interest for students to gain field experience and practice the classroom management skills they had already been learning. Following training demonstrations, the high schoolers were ready to jump right in! During the festivals, they did an excellent job and demonstrated excitement and professionalism. The 4th graders had a blast and walked away with fun memories to carry through the years.
All in all, it has been wonderful to see this bridge between age groups in action while helping so many students learn and grow this fall.