Water Harvesting Resources
These water harvesting resources are organized into three categories:
Demonstration Sites, Online Resources, and Workshops.
Link | Organization | Description | Type |
The Good News and Bad News of Declining Water Demand | National Geographic | National Geographic magazine exploring the ramifications of peak water demand and its reduction |
Online Resource |
Pete the Beak - Tucson Water's Mascot | Tucson Water | City of Tucson website dedicated to Tucson Water's peak water demand reduction campaign and its mascot, Pete the Beak. Includes lots of children's activities |
Online Reource |
Web Portal for Colorado River | Information portal focused on Colorado River water resources |
Online Resource | |
Desert LCC Home Page | Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) | The Desert LCC is a bi-national, self-directed, non-regulatory regional partnership formed and directed by resource management entities as well as interested public and private entities in the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Desert regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Through collaborative partnerships, the Desert LCC seeks to provide scientific and technical support, coordination, and communication to resource managers and the broader Desert LCC community to address climate change and other landscape-scale ecosystem stressors. |
Online Resource |
Tucson Water Examples of Rainwater Harvesting video | Tucson Water | Short video produced by Tucson Water demonstrating some of the many water harvesting efforts in Tucson, both passive and active. These include gutters and downspouts, curb cuts to irrigate street trees with stormwater runoff, french drains, berms, swales, check dams, cisterns, and permeable pavement. |
Online Resource |
Watershed Pocket Guide | Pima Association of Governments | This new guide, which folds up to fit in your pocket, illustrates a comprehensive approach to understanding and protecting our watershed. The graphic on the front provides a practical guide to stormwater pollution prevention and explains how water can pick up pollution as it flows to the fragile desert waterways. This map on the flip side provides a 3D birds-eye view of our region to help the reader get to know, explore, understand the water system and to reduce our human impact within the watershed. |
Online Resource |
Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies | EPA | This compendium of strategies provides an overview of heat islands, how they form, and their impacts, and describes key urban heat island reduction strategies in depth. It also describes voluntary and policy efforts undertaken by state and local governments to mitigate urban heat islands. |
Online Resource |
Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate and Hydrology Projections | Bureau of Reclamation, others | This archive contains fine spatial resolution translations of climate projections over the contiguous United States developed using two downscaling techniques (monthly BCSD and daily BCCA), and hydrologic projections over the western U.S. (roughly the western U.S.) corresponding to the monthly BCSD climate projections. The archive is meant to provide access to climate and hydrologic projections at spatial and temporal scales relevant to some of the watershed and basin-scale decisions faced by water and natural resource managers and planners dealing with climate change. |
Online Resource |
National Stormwater Calculator | EPA | EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator is a desktop application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site anywhere in the United States (including Puerto Rico). Estimates are based on local soil conditions, land cover, and historic rainfall records. Users can select from a menu of green infrastructure practices they would like to use to help control runoff. |
Online Resource |
EPA Online Training in Watershed Management | EPA | This website offers a variety of self-paced training modules that represent a basic and broad introduction to the watershed management field. |
Online Resource |
America's Most Endangered Rivers 2013 | American Rivers | The Colorado River tops the 2013 edition of American River's annual report on the country's most endangered rivers. |
Online Resource |
Arizona MS4 Program Evaluations | EPA | PDFs of all Arizona MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system) program evaluations |
Online Resource |
Preparing Hydro-climate Inputs for Climate Change in Water Resources Planning | Western Water Assessment | This online training gives a good overview of how climate projections and downscaling work and explains terminology. Login required, free: <a href="https://www.meted.ucar.edu/index.php">https://www.meted.ucar.edu/index.php</a> |
Online Resource |
Technical Trainings | Watershed Management Group | Offers certification courses in Tucson, Phoenix, and California; offers a course taught completely in Spanish |
Workshop |
SmartScape program | University of Arizona Cooperative Extension | Residential component of SmartScape program; series of classes/workshops, including rain gardens and rainwater harvesting |
Workshop |
Tucson Botanical Garden | Basic information on water harvesting and monthly workshops |
Workshop | |
Sonoran Permaculture Guild | Offers classes and workshops in Tucson, including "Complete Hands On Water Harvesting" |
Workshop | |
Outdoor Water Conservation Area | University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County | Ongoing preparation of an active and passive rainwater harvesting demonstration site in Maricopa County |
Demonstration Site |
The Green Pueblo Map | Pima County, City of Tucson | Map of Tucson's sustainability assets and accomplishments, including greywater and rainwater harvesting sites |
Demonstration Site |
City of Tucson Ward 1 Office Demonstration Site | Sonoran Institute | Some pictures of the the work in progress |
Demonstration Site |
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