Officials ponder the implications of the Arizona Supreme Court's recent ruling that Indians' rights to groundwater trump the state-granted rights of…
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With advantages seemingly outweighing disadvantages, constructed wetlands often are viewed as a win-win situation, promising much and delivering much, from…
This report was funded entirely by the University of Arizona and was produced by the Water Resources Research Center as a service to the community. Its intent…
The University ofArizona is the lead institution in a new $16 million, multiuniversity center that will develop ways to efficiently manage water resources in…
Many important decisions in American cities are based on careful cost and benefit analysis of options. Yet the values of trees and plants in our urban centers…
Achieving safe yield, the fundamental objective ofArizona's 1980 Groundwater Management Act (GMA), may prove to be a more elusive goal than once expected.…
At first glance, the term watershed management appears to be self-explanatory, its meaning apparent in its very wording. Watershed management is the managing…
Increased precipitation from El Niño ensures more abund ant vegetative growth, which in turn raises concern about increased fire hazards, especially…
Many U.S. citizens believe that thanks to our advanced technology and enlightened public policy we can consume without risk the food and water that are readily…
Because of El Niño's seemingly late start and uncertain progress, a pattern that did not conform to some early predictions, some people in the…
This year's El Niño already has fully earned its claim to fame; this is the first such event predicted so far in advance. Also, the extent to which…
This special supplement provides news and information about El Niño. In a sense, the publication will serve as an El Niño Times, informing…
The year 1997 marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Colorado River Compact. Delegates from the seven Colorado River Basin states met on November 9,…
Consider the phrase "constructed wetlands." Although not a contradiction in terms, the two words make up an unlikely combination. Construction implies a…