Keywords: Mental fatigue, aggression, contact with nature, inner-city urban public housing, physical environment
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Work continues as researchers seek additional information about a series of prehistoric irrigation canals recently discovered along the Santa Cruz River in…
Tree canopy cover data from aerial photographs of 21 California cities and building energy simulations were applied to estimate effects of existing trees and…
Although vegetation has been positively linked to fear of crime and crime in a number of settings, recent findings in urban residential areas have hinted at a…
They call themselves the Settlement Group, an organization made up ofwater users along the Upper Santa Cruz River in search ofsolutions to local water concerns…
The poet Frank O'Hara was obviously on the side ofthe urbanist when he wrote, "I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a…
The generation of electrical power is a growth industry in Arizona, with 19 power plants proposed for various areas of the state. The surge in the number of…
Ground water is among the Nation’s most important natural resources. It provides drinking water to urban and rural communities, supports irrigation and…
According to a recent WorldWatch Institute study aquacultural or fish farming output is growing at 11 percent a year, representing the fastest growing sector…
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced a new initiative "GeoPowering the West," an effort to promote the development and use of geothermal…
Settling Central Arizona Project issues has evolved into a long-running and complex saga. In a recent development, the U.S. Bureau ofReclamation halted work on…
In working to ensure adequate water supplies, a quest that is critical and ongoing, officials must not overlook another concern of great importance - the…
The need to control groundwater use in Arizona had long been apparent, but the will to act was lacking. In 1980, various interests rose to the occasion and…
Dropping groundwater levels are a major concern in Arizona, with laws and policies adopted to control the decline in various areas ofthe state. Yet where…
Recently very much center stage and in the spotlight, water conservation seems to be an idea whose time has come. If, however, we define water conservation as…