I recently spoke at the Verde Watershed Citizens’ Groups Conference, which was organized by the Sedona League of Women Voters. About 85 people assembled on a…
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The 2002 farm bill provides a potential new funding source through its land retirement programs to support environmental and water conservation efforts in…
Legislation has been introduced to settle decades of litigation that has left many individuals and interests in the state uncertain about their water rights.…
A new water-focused grants program is underway at the University of Arizona. This innovative competitive grants program for water resources research, education…
In 1996 the Arizona Legislature created the Arizona Water Banking Authority (Authority) to assist with dealing with potential shortages of Colorado River water…
Tucson Water is breaking new ground in its efforts to provide its customers real-time water quality data, with results displayed on an interactive web site.
The Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD) was created by the Arizona Legislature in 1993. At that time, the Department of Water Resources…
When the state’s urban dwellers think of rural water resources – if they think of them at all – they most likely think of recreational opportunities, like…
The year 2002 is being celebrated as the Year of Clean Water. Thirty years ago, on Oct. 18, 1979, the Clean Water Act became law, its passage representing a…
In early 2000, I contributed a Guest View to the Arizona Water Resource providing a rationale for a “comprehensive conversation” on the Groundwater Management…
A recent court decision prohibits the Arizona Department of Water Resources from enforcing gallons per capita per day standards, a key strategy for regulating…
With most of the water management action in Arizona occurring within Active Management Areas, residents in non-AMA regions are wanting attention also paid to…
The December 2001 Final Report of the Governor’s Water Management Commission (Commission) completes a two and a half-year examination of the Groundwater Code (…
Eany in the Governor's Water Management Commission's review of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act it was noted that the "bucket had holes in…
Keywords: Mental fatigue, aggression, contact with nature, inner-city urban public housing, physical environment