In 1997, I attended my first Arizona Town Hall. The topic was water. This fall, I had the privilege of attending the 85th Town Hall, entitled “Arizona’s Water…
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Water and time, a suitable note to sound for this end-of-the-jear edition of the Arizona Water Resource newsletter, are separate and distinct, yet at some…
After about 18 months of work, the Governor’s Drought Task Force sent its recommended Arizona Drought Preparedness Plan to Governor Napolitano. A key part of…
Arizona’s Water Future: Challenges and Opportunities 85th Arizona Town Hall October 31 – November 3, 2004 Grand Canyon, Arizona Since 1962…
Total economic value is the sum of direct use and in-situ or passive use values
Keywords: water harvesting, regulation, rezoning condition, water conservation
Arizonans use over 7 million acre feet of water per year. Good estimates of water use for certain parts of the state and/or certain sectors are hard to obtain…
When most people think of drought they think of possible personal inconveniences. Should they forego their Lake Powell vacation? Will watering vegetation face…
This paper will focus on the status of water management in Arizona under the Groundwater Management Act, with particular attention to the economic implications…
Eagerly anticipated and vitally needed, the North American monsoon is also elusive and difficult to predict. When will it arrive? How much precipitation will…
This is my first column as director of the University of Arizona’s Water Resources Research Center, and I begin my position during exciting times in the water…
Also published in Spanish in 2004 as Canto de Sirenas: El Derecho de Aguas Chileno como Modelo para Reformas Internacionales ( Bilbao, Spain: Bakeaz).
In May, I visited the Yuma Desalting Plant, which has recently been the focus of much attention. Whether or not the plant is operated has implications for…
Arizona is a rapidly growing state with a population that grew 40 percent between 1990 and 2000. The natural beauty of the state and its climate are two of the…
Not likely to be disputed is the premise that a successful water conservation program results in water users consuming less water. What has been disputed - a…