Prescott Valley town officials are pleased with the results of an auction of 2,724 acre-feet of effluent water rights that could net the town over $67 million…
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In my last column, I highlighted the need for broadening and deepening the dialogue on Arizona’s water management challenges. On Friday, Oct. 26 the Tucson…
As part of its commitment to serve the water education needs of Arizona citizens, the Water Resources Research Center teamed up with the Water Education…
In the Southwest United States attempts to improve the health and habitat value of riparian areas have focused on environmental restoration and preservation…
In a brief commentary piece that appeared in the Aug. 23 Arizona Republic titled “Why the Valley could be the Venice in the desert” editorial writer Kathleen…
Every summer I spend about two weeks enjoying the cool air, beaches and newspapers of Southern California. My beachside newspaper reading included coverage of…
Yet another conservation easement has been worked out along the Babocomari River, making the fourth such agreement in the area since January. The total area…
In 1987 Pima County and City of Tucson adopted a detention/retention manual, which envisioned regional detention basins for multiple benefits. Today, there are…
The National Pollutant Removal Performance Database, version 2 (Winer, 2000) consisted of 139 individual best management practice (BMP) performance studies…
One of my columns each year is devoted to Water Resources Research Center activities as I highlight some of my recent and ongoing projects. Contrary to what…
Recently passed legislation will allow Cochise County voters to create a special water management district on the upper San Pedro River as part of a plan to…
Arizona Conserve Water is a publication dedicated to the premise that it is never too early to learn to conserve water. The K-12 educators' guide is a tool to…
Stormwater regulations have identified public education and participation as key features of holistic stormwater programs though this aspect is often…
Municipalities have implemented a wide range of “carrot” (incentive) and “stick” (regulatory requirement) approaches to encourage…
We in the water world are all familiar — perhaps too familiar — with the distinction often made between whiskey and water, that one is for drinking and the…