One of the keys to solving the West's water supply problems is finding smart, innovative ways to recycle water. The 2009 issue of Arroyo examines the many…
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The development of water markets to facilitate the movement of water rights from agricultural to municipal and industrial use has been slower in Arizona than…
Keywords: water conservation, water efficient landscape, low-water-use plants, approved plant list, landscape design, commerical, residential, institutional,…
—Available studies of the built environment and the BMI of children and youth suggest a contemporaneous association with neighborhood greenness in…
It is no doubt a sign of the drought-struck times that efforts to strictly account for lower Colorado River water use are now focusing on individual landowners…
This column is a bittersweet one. I say this because this issue of the newsletter marks the end of an era: Joe Gelt is retiring as Water Resources Research…
Keywords: water harvesting, regulation, policy, ordinance, code, stormwater
With desalination looming big on the water resource horizon, many water officials are looking at their options. One option Arizona officials are considering is…
Rainwater catchment or rainwater harvesting are catch-all terms for collecting, storing, and later using precipitation from rock out-crops, roofs, and other…
The City of Lancaster (City) desires to have landscape development in an attractive, water efficient, and high quality manner. These landscape and irrigation…
Over the past forty years, environmental organizations have advanced a simple message to address complex global threats: Act locally. While the slogan imparts…
How much water is needed to produce a hamburger? At one time this was not the type of question many water officials deeply pondered. They were more concerned…
Background—The prevalence of childhood asthma in the USA increased by 50% from 1980 to 2000, with especially high prevalence in poor urban communities.…
Although rainwater harvesting has been practiced for thousands of years, recent concerns over water supplies and the environment have prompted many homeowners…
The intent of this report is to provide the Tucson region with an indication of the perspectives, including the hopes and concerns, of a representative sample…