For most of the public, groundwater is out of sight and out of mind. Our inability to readily see groundwater and limited measurements of this resource…
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We are honored to announce that Dr. Fernando González Villarreal and Adriana Nava Palma of the Institute of Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de…
Recently made available to American Public Television stations throughout the United States, "Beyond the Mirage: The Future of Water in the West" is now…
Erin Gray, APW's student administrative assistant, was chosen from a field of over three hundred applicants to be one of ten finalists for the Palantir Women…
We, the four Pima County representatives on the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Board of Directors, read with interest Tony Davis’ September 4, 2016 article “…
On Saturday, September 10, 2016, Arizona Forward held their 36th Annual Environmental Excellence Awards Ceremony at the Arizona Grand Resort in…
In the past decade there has been increased interest in providing water to meet the needs of riparian and aquatic ecosystems in the western United States and…
The WRRC 2017 Annual conference will be held at the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center on March 28, 2017.(Photo: Mark R. Smith) Save…
For two weeks in August, Jean McLain traveled to Yangon, Burma to continue her work on a US-AID funded project, "Developing a Sustainable Seafood Industry…
Are you ready to imagine, design, and plant your water-smart landscaping? The UA Water Resources Research Center's new Desert Landscaping website has tools and…
On August 22, 2016 from 10am-12pm, Arizona Department of Water Resources and Central Arizona Project are hosting a briefing to address the health of the…
Together with the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition (SNRPC), the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) has developed a list of plants that can be…
Japan’s city of Kobe, which depends on a pipeline from the distant Lake Biwa for most of its water, was severely affected when the earthquake destroyed…
a. To ensure irrigation efficiency and water conservation goals are accomplished, a landscape water plan specifying a maximum amount of water to be applied on…
A well designed and maintained landscape can immediately enhance the attractiveness of homes, businesses, and the community at large. For that reason the City…