The Pinal County Water Factsheet is now available! As the 15th and final installment in the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, this resource provides an in-depth look at Pinal County's water resources, highlighting the critical role of both groundwater and surface water supplies that support agricultural production and growing population centers. The factsheet details the importance of irrigation districts as they manage water distribution and infrastructure while addressing the broader implications of CAP water reductions due to Colorado River shortages, which have impacted agricultural water use.
Webinar Explores Policy-Making and Engagement with Aboriginal Peoples in Australia
On October 16, the WRRC hosted a Water Webinar, titled “Meaningful Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on Inland Waters in Australia.” Attendees heard from two speakers from the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: First Nations Water Branch Head Sheryl Hedges and Director for First Nations Engagement Brandon Etto.
CAP Board Meeting Features WRRC Presentation
A meeting of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Board of Directors held on October 10 included a guest presentation by Director Sharon B. Megdal on the work of the Water Resources Research Center. The presentation featured ongoing WRRC projects and goals, including applied research, outreach and engagement, education, and partnerships.
WRRC Director Megdal’s Neely Endowed Professorship Renewed
In October, the U of A College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences renewed WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal’s appointment as the C.W. and Modene Neely Endowed Professor for Excellence in Agriculture and Life Sciences. The College waived the usual five-year review, based on annual performance reviews and the recommendation of Environmental Science Department head Jon Chorover. Megdal’s appointment was extended to the end of the 2028–2029 academic year.