November 15, 2019
Weekly Wave
7 vol.
no. 29
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

The Water Resources Research Center's March 27, 2020 Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years, is coming together as speakers are starting to confirm their participation in either presentation or moderated discussion panels. The conference panels will focus on how our water resources are changing, what pressures water-use sectors face now and in the future, what types of choices are being made around the State, and how we can best achieve long-term resilience. One of our morning panels, entitled "Drawing the Water Map", will cover a broad range of topics to set the stage for the day's conversation. Confirmed speakers include ADWR Director Tom Buschatzke, who will speak about Arizona Water Management, Director of Water Rights and Contracts at Salt River Project Chuck Podolak, who will address groundwater/surface water connections, and President of Smart Water Group LLC Ben Perlman, who will discuss a variety technologies being used in the water industry. We have also invited speakers to present about water quality and the water/food/energy nexus as part of this session.
A summary agenda, showing the overall scope and flow of the conference can be found on our website Here.