On October 17, guests from the University of Arizona and across the state visited Curry Seed & Chile Company in Pearce, AZ, for a tour organized by WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal. Curry Farms president and founder EdCurry is a fourth-generation farmer, has been growing chiles since he was a child, and developed a lifelong interest in chile genetics. An estimated 80–90% of the chiles grown commercially in the US can be genetically traced back to Curry Farms.
ADWR Proposes Willcox Basin AMA
On October 23, the Arizona Department of WaterResources (ADWR) announced that the Director isproposing formation of an Active Management Area(AMA) within the boundaries of the Willcoxgroundwater basin in southeastern Arizona. A publichearing on the proposal will be held, beginning at1:00 pm on Friday, November 22, 2024, at theWillcox Community Center.
Graduate Water Policy Class RegistrationOpening
Beginning on November 7, graduate students at theUniversity of Arizona can register for Spring 2025semester classes. Starting on Friday, January 17,2025, WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal will againbe teaching her course, “Water Policy in Arizona andSemi-arid Regions,” weekly from 9:00–11:30 am.Students will learn about water policy using Arizona,the Colorado River Basin, and other semi-aridregions for in-depth case study.
Arizona Project WET - Ghost Rivers HauntArizona
Arizona’s rivers, once vibrant and full of life, havetransformed into ghostly reminders of what theyonce were. The Santa Cruz River in Tucson is aprime example of this haunting change. Flowingfreely through the desert for thousands of years, theSanta Cruz River supported lush riparian habitatsand diverse wildlife.