Already planning your summer? Then think about participating in the WRRC 2023 Annual Conference, which will explore solutions to Arizona’s pressing water resources issues. It will be held July 11–12, 2023 at the University of Arizona in Tucson. To canvas the range of solutions, for the first time, the WRRC will issue a call for oral presentations and posters. In this era of drought, diminished supply, and excessive demand, creative thinkers are proposing solutions that reduce demand, increase supply, and promote sustainable water use. From more water-efficient technology and voluntary conservation strategies to treatment and transport of saline or contaminated water and capture of rainwater/stormwater, multiple solutions are likely to be required. Science, engineering, agriculture, industry, law, education, and practical knowledge are sources of solutions worth considering. Be prepared to answer the call for proposals, coming in January 2023. The conference will be streamed live, but in-person attendance is encouraged.