November 22, 2019
Weekly Wave
7 vol.
no. 30
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

The first statewide summit of its kind, Climate 2020: Seven Generations for Arizona, debuted this past weekend in Flagstaff. The summit was in response to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, released in October 2018. The UN report prompted the engagement of Arizona's communities to aggregate isolated efforts to combat climate change into statewide, coordinated commitments to keep Arizona healthy and habitable for generations to come. UArizona WRRC took part in these conversations Friday afternoon through "Panel Discussion: Beyond Deadpool & Drought: The Future of Water in Arizona." Research Analyst, Ashley Hullinger represented the WRRC during Friday's talk, bringing her expertise in developing effective stakeholder engagement to promote sustainable water management throughout the state's rural watersheds. Additional panel members included: Cynthia Campbell, Karletta Chief, Rabi Gyawali, Chris Kuzdas, and moderator Jane Marks.
AZ Central report on summit here.