October 07, 2016
Weekly Wave
4 vol.
no. 31
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

We are honored to announce that Dr. Fernando González Villarreal and Adriana Nava Palma of the Institute of Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) will present two special seminars at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Fernando González Villarreal is a civil engineer and a full-time researcher at the UNAM Institute of Engineering pursuing principal lines of research in water policy, hydraulics, hydrology, and river engineering. He is currently the Technical Coordinator of the RAUNAM Water Network, a knowledge network formalized in 2009, consisting of interactions in the production, storage, distribution, access, and analysis of the information on water management generated by its members. Dr. González Villarreal's presentation will outline various geographical, economic, and cultural situations that pose major challenges in managing water in Mexico.
Adriana Palma Nava is a professor on the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Accounting and Administration at UNAM. She is also an active researcher on groundwater projects under the UNAM Institute of Engineering and the coordinator of the Analysis Group on Artificial Recharge under UNAM's Water Network. She will present ISMAR9 (International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge) conference outcomes on current and emerging challenges to maintaining the quantity and quality of groundwater resources, which will include climate change and variability, pressures from a growing population, increasing urbanization, and large agricultural demands.