View of Curry Seed and Chile Co. in the Willcox
Groundwater Basin.
Image: Sharon B. Megdal
Groundwater is in the news. In Arizona, attention is focused on rural groundwater, and the availability of groundwater in more populated parts of the state, including the Phoenix metropolitan region, is likewise receiving attention. National news outlets have covered groundwater in Arizona and across the nation, often on dwindling supplies in the face of increasing demands.
Navajo Nation Water SettlementAgreements Reach Congress
On November 21, 2024, the University of Arizona hosted a presentation titled “Preserving Dinétah: Water Security for Generations,” which provided an overview of the Navajo Nation’s water settlement agreements currently set before US Congress fora pproval.
ADWR Releases SDRs for 14 GroundwaterBasins
If you’re curious about the water use conditions in your area, you might find details in the 2024 Supply and Demand Reports (SDRs) created by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR). Released on November 27, 2024, these documents summarize ADWR’s assessment of the inflows and outflows of 14 of the 51 groundwater basins within the state of Arizona.
ADWR Hosts Public Hearing on ProposedWillcox AMA
The Arizona Department of Water Resources(ADWR) hosted a public hearing on November 22, 2024, to discuss designating the WillcoxGroundwater Basin as an active management area(AMA).