A Review of Sharing the Waters: Reflections on Developing Colorado River Policy 1988–2008 by Robert W. “Bob” Johnson

These are contentious times for Colorado River policy, with strained relations between the Upper and Lower Basin states in public view. It is, therefore, perfect timing for me to recommend adding the book, Sharing the Waters: Reflections on Developing Colorado River Policy 1988–2008, by Robert W. “Bob” Johnson, to your 2025 reading list. At only 124 pages, this powerful little book is packed with concise explanations of key Colorado River management matters, along with personal insights on how highly contentious river matters have been effectively navigated in the past— insights that are highly relevant today.
Willcox Groundwater Basin Designated as AMA
On December 19, 2024, after a year-long effort of conducting informational meetings and forums, public comments, and evidence, the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) initiated proceedings to designate the Willcox Groundwater Basin as a subsequent active management area (AMA).
Paper by Simone Williams Published in Land Journal
The dissertation research of Simone Williams continues to enrich the scientific landscape. The journal Land has recently published a research article by Williams and others, including WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal.
Tinaja Trek: Revealing Hidden Beauty in the Desert
Guest Author: Anastasia Silvares, Outreach Instructional Specialist, Arizona Project WET
A decade ago, I moved to Tucson after living in the lush “Nature Coast” of Central Florida. I was apprehensive about moving into the dustbowl of a desert that I had imagined. One of the first hiking areas I explored after arriving was Lower Tanque Verde Falls—and I will never forget my first visit.