October 15, 2021
Weekly Wave
9 vol.
no. 30
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ
The WRRC is celebrating “Imagine a Day Without Water” on Thursday, October 21, with a special webinar featuring a 19-minute video on global water issues followed by a panel of emerging leaders in water and environmental management and policy. As part of a Netflix educational series, the video, EXPLAINED: The World’s Water Crisis, takes in the consequences of pollution, over-consumption, drought, and climate change on existing freshwater resources and some approaches to averting the coming crisis. It focuses attention on the value of water as essential and irreplaceable. The panel discussion will include reactions to the film and personal stories about living without easy access to water, as well as comments on how to create just and equitable solutions. The WRRC is fortunate this semester to be assisted by talented and committed staff and students. At the beginning of their careers, the individuals on this panel will provide fresh perspectives on water challenges, some that have been building up for generations.