October 04, 2019
Weekly Wave
7 vol.
no. 22
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

It was extraordinary! That's what many state coordinators said about the 2019 Project WET Coordinators Conference and Training held in Tucson last week. We can thank the APW team who made it happen.
A regional greeting featuring an excerpt from Regents' Professor Ofelia Zepeda's Prophecy poem kicked off the conference. APW offered a behind-the-scenes look at our Arizona Water Festival model, which now delivers 28 festivals per year. We dove into STEM instruction with underwater robots, offering others a chance to partner with Marine Advanced Technology Education as APW has done in Arizona. To help coordinators adhere to the Next Generation Science Standards, we used extreme weather phenomena to demonstrate meaningful, student-centered instruction.
Read the news article here.