Graduation time can be a bittersweet moment for us at the WRRC. On the one hand, we are so proud of the hard work and accomplishments of the graduating students who have spent time with us here at the WRRC. On the other hand, we are always a bit sad to say goodbye. This year we bid farewell to WRRC Graduate Outreach Assistant Taylor Simmons, who has completed her master’s degree in Environmental Health Sciences. She recently presented her thesis project, which was titled Southern Arizona Healthy Stomach Project, at the UArizona Graduate Center’s annual Grad Slam, a university-wide competition designed to showcase the research and/or creative endeavors of graduate students. Grad Slam 2024 featured an intense selection process, whittling down the initial pool of over 75 contestants to a final group of six, which included Taylor. Her project investigated the concerning increase in stomach cancer rates among Hispanic populations. A recording of the final round of presentations should be posted soon. We are very proud of Taylor and look forward to seeing her again in her new position at Tucson Water, where she serves as an Environmental Scientist on the Water Quality & Operations team, helping with environmental compliance and regulations. Congratulations to Taylor and the entire 2024 graduating class!