October 25, 2019
Weekly Wave
7 vol.
no. 26
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

We are very excited to announce that Bruce Babbitt will present the opening keynote at the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center's 2020 Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years. We cannot think of a better launch to the day's dialogue! Babbitt has deep roots in Arizona. He was born and raised in Flagstaff, served as Attorney General of Arizona from 1975 to 1978, and then served as the state's governor from 1978 to 1987. As Governor, he negotiated and guided passage of the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act, oversaw the creation of the Arizona Department of Water Resources and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, and propelled a major expansion of the state park system. His connection to our state's water management history gives him a unique perspective on whether our groundwater management picture today measures up to early expectations, and going forward, what do we need to address in the next 40 years. Save the date, March 27th, to hear Babbitt's thoughts and to join in a lively discussion about how our water resources are changing, what water decisions are being made around the state, and how we can stay on track to achieve long-term resilience. The conference will be held on Friday, March 27, 2020, at the Black Canyon Conference Center (9440 N 25th Ave, Phoenix, AZ).
Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore