November 01, 2019
Weekly Wave
7 vol.
no. 27
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

Here at the WRRC, we are already gearing up for our 2020 conference, "Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years" to be held on March 27th at the Black Canyon Conference Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference will bring together a broad range of participants for topical presentations and moderated panels. We will focus on describing how our water resources are changing, what choices are being made around the State, and how we can best achieve long-term resilience. Each year, we are grateful to our many sponsors who enable us to keep registration prices low, offer greatly reduced student rates, and continue to hold this high-quality annual event. Sponsorship benefits grow with the contribution levels, and all sponsors are featured on our registration page, have their logos on all promotional materials, and are recognized and thanked at the conference. We couldn't do it without you!
Sponsorship levels and benefits information here