The Handbook of Water Diplomacy

This case study provides insights regarding factors that contribute to successful cross-boundary diplomatic outcomes in the Colorado River Basin. The highlighted factors are based on the author’s study of and participation in water policy and management within the Colorado River Basin, along with observations of other areas. The Colorado River, which provides water to seven states in the western United States, two states in Mexico, and several Native Nations, has experienced stressed hydrologic conditions since the turn of the century. These conditions have often required difficult negotiations on matters related to sharing the burden of reduced Colorado River water deliveries. Established by treaty, the International Boundary and Water Commission has demonstrated its ability to negotiate binding agreements to share shortages and address environmental concerns. Though the case study concentrates on the structure and processes of the International Boundary and Water Commission regarding Colorado River Basin transboundary diplomacy, the enumerated contributing factors to successful diplomatic outcomes have broad applicability in terms of community scale and conditions.