This inaugural, all-digital version of the Arizona Water Resources newsletter features groundwater, the “invisible” water as characterized by WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal in her Fall 2016 Public Policy Review column. Various perspectives and components of the large topic of groundwater are represented in an effort bring attention to its significance locally, nationally, and globally. We are pleased to present the work of guest authors as well as our own Graduate Outreach Assistant. Readers are invited to contact the editor with comments on our content and new format.
Arsenic in Groundwater Poses Ongoing Challenge
Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a problem in many areas of the world, including Arizona. Exposure to arsenic in drinking water has been linked to negative health effects including cancer. Yet in many places, populations have little choice but to continue drinking arsenic contaminated water and in some places the problem is getting worse.
Whither Critical Area and Sub-AMA Groundwater Management in Arizona?
It is well-known that Arizona has made significant progress towards reducing groundwater overdraft where groundwater depletion has historically been most severe, the designated Active Management Areas.
Making Groundwater Visible
According to National Groundwater Association’s Facts about Global Groundwater Usage (Oct. 2016), groundwater provides almost half of all drinking water worldwide and supports 38 percent of irrigated lands globally.
Student Spotlight: Andres Sanchez
Andres Sanchez is a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Arizona in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences. He received his Master’s degree in Hydrology from the University of Arizona...
Guest View: How Much Groundwater Is Down There?
Access to Central Arizona Project (CAP) water, declines in per capita consumption, and reuse of treated wastewater have reduced the Tucson area’s reliance on groundwater...
Public Policy Review: Bridging Through Water
Since my first professional visit to Israel in 2006, I have endeavored to connect that region and ours through sharing water management challenges and solutions.
News Briefs
- Research Projects Major Increases in Storm Frequency and Intensity
- Experimental Release from Lake Powell Creates 5-day Flood
- EPA’s CCL4 Released
- New GWAC Committee Looks at Potable Reuse
- Santa Cruz River Could Flow Again
- EPA Study Estimates Value of Stormwater Recharge