Get to Know Water in Your County

The Graham County Water Factsheet is now available! As the sixth installment in the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, this resource offers a wide ranging yet concise overview of water in Graham County for a general audience. This factsheet covers topics such water supply and demand, irrigation efficiency, watershed restoration, and water reuse. The legal, economic, and cultural significance of the Upper Gila River, which flows west through the county toward Phoenix, is highlighted in this factsheet. Acknowledging the distinct water resources conditions, priorities, and values of each county, the WRRC works with local experts to guide the content and access existing water-related data. For Graham County, the Technical Advisory Committee was led by Extension Interim Regional Director for Cochise and Graham Counties Randy Norton and Kim McReynolds, Extension Agent, Natural Resources in Cochise County. We are grateful for the input received from other local and regional stakeholders with deep knowledge of the local characteristics of water in Graham County, including retired County Extension Director, Bill Brandau.