Get to Know Water in Your County

The Gila County Water Factsheet is now available! As the eighth installment in the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, this concise resource provides a general overview of the county’s water including supply and demand along with some unique water challenges attributed to Gila County’s distinctive geology and hydrology. Important water-dependent economic activities are covered as well as budding partnerships dedicated to water conservation and forest management. Groundwater reliance, wildfire preparedness, and sustainable recreation have been the focus areas of local stakeholders as they navigate water resource challenges and identify community projects to restore and enhance the watershed.
Acknowledging the unique characteristics, priorities, and values of the county, the Gila County Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) helped provide context to existing water-related data. For Gila County, the TAC was led by Chris Jones, UA Cooperative Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, and Jake Garret, Gila County Wastewater Division Manager. Additional members of the TAC include Arizona Water Company, Town of Payson, US Forest Service, and Freeport McMoRan. Additional stakeholders provided input reflective of their deep local knowledge about the county’s water resources and management.