Native Eyes Film Showcase: "Oil and Water" Film Screening



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Please join us for this WRRC co-sponsored event:

Enjoy a film screening and in-person commentary with distinguished guests.

The Loft Cinema. 7:00 p.m. Admission: $10 per person or $8 for Loft/ASM/tribal community members/UA students.

Oil and Water  (77 min, Francine Strickwerda and Lauren Spellman Smith, directors/producers/writers/camera). This is the true story of two boys coming of age as they each confront one of the world’s worst toxic disasters. Hugo and David were born on opposite ends of the oil pipeline. Hugo comes to the United States to fight for the survival of his Cofán tribe in the Ecuadorian Amazon, while David goes to Ecuador to launch the world’s first company to certify oil as “fair trade.” Their journeys lead them to explore what could be a more just future, not just for the Cofán, but for all people around the world born with oil beneath their feet. Learn more about this film at

In-person commentary by Hugo Lucitante, Cofán representative, and David Poritz, environmental activist/co-founder of Equitable Origin; and S. James Anaya, professor of human rights law and policy at the University of Arizona's James E. Rogers College of Law, and former United Nations special rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous peoples.

This screening is a fundraiser for the Cofán Survival Fund. Learn more about the fund at