Agenda Videos Polling Result

This conference was held on June 18-19, 2020
The WRRC Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years, took place virtually on June 18 and 19, 2020. With more than 450 people attending, we had registrants from 51 Arizona communities, 10 states, and 5 other countries. The program consisted of notable speakers, in-depth panel discussions, audience Q & A, and more. Over the two half-day sessions, participants celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act and looked forward toward the next 40 years. While we missed seeing everyone in person, the virtual platform expanded our reach, made the conference more accessible, and enabled more conversational panel discussions. On-line polling allowed us to share audience characteristics and opinions in real time. Three well-attended Zoom happy hours featured frank exchanges, genial banter, and additional insights into conference topics.
Conference materials are posted and accessible on this conference webpage. These include a compilation of slides and videos provided by conference sponsors, keynote talks by former Arizona Governor and Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and US Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman, panel presentations from an extraordinary range of expertise and perspectives, individual session videos, and polling results. We are grateful to our sponsors, moderators, speaker, panelists, and to everyone who made the 2020 WRRC Annual Conference possible.
PowerPoint presentations are linked in the Agenda
Arroyo 2021: Arizona Groundwater Management - Past, Present and Future
Conference Videos
Conference Sponsors