December 8 Brown Bag: The U.S. – Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program




  Sharon Megdal:  Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
  James Callegary:  USGS
  Christopher Scott:  Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy; Geography & Regional Devt., UA
  Prescott Vandervoet:  Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy; Water Resources Research Center, UA

Human populations and ecosystems along the border between the United States and Mexico rely heavily on transboundary aquifers.  This brown-bag seminar will focus on the ongoing Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP), authorized by Congress under the 2006 Public Law 109-448, which identifies four aquifers for priority assessment: the Hueco Bolson and Mesilla Basin (Texas/New Mexico – Chihuahua), and the Santa Cruz and San Pedro aquifers (Arizona – Sonora).

The speakers will provide an overview of the TAAP, particularly collaboration and cost-sharing among the state water resources research institutes, the USGS, and Mexican stakeholders.  Aquifer characterization, existing models, and growth in demand for groundwater in the Santa Cruz and San Pedro aquifers will be reviewed.  The team will present innovations of the binational priority setting process for the Santa Cruz including progress in creating a database of existing information.  Future collaboration and field research is planned with U.S. and Mexican stakeholders including other units at the University of Arizona.

Date:   Monday, December 8, 2008
Time:  Noon to 1:30

All seminars and events are held at the Sol Resnick Conference Room, Water Resources Research Center, 350 N. Campbell Ave.

If you are driving to Tucson via I-10 please note the following:
All exits within the city of Tucson are closed due to construction.
Driving East I-10: The last open exit north of Tucson is Prince Road. Exit and take the       
                              frontage road to Speedway, east to Campbell Ave, South to WRRC
Driving West I-10: The last open exit south of Tucson is Kino Pkwy.
                               Exit and drive north to WRRC.