WRRC 2024 Photo Contest Rules and Regulations

Photo Contest Home

Please read and review carefully    

Who can enter?

  • The photo contest is open to anyone high school aged or older on or before Friday, Dec. 20, 2024 (the contest submission deadline).
  • For high school students under 18, permission from a parent or guardian is required to submit any photos.

    Employees of the Water Resources Research Center and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.
    Winning photos from any previous WRRC photo contests are not eligible.


Winners will be announced at the 2025 Chocolate Fest in February (Date TBD) and winning photographs will be featured on the WRRC website. Photo Contest images will be used in WRRC publications and other outreach materials. 

How many photos can I enter?

Each entrant is allowed to submit up to three (3) photographs.

Photographs must be taken in Arizona (with the exception of the Special Category: Borders)

  • Photos taken in Arizona must feature water, but can be taken in any part of the state.
  • "Borders" category images can be from any location.

Special Category: Borders 

Use the theme for the upcoming WRRC Conference, Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Working Together in Times of Scarcity, to inspire your photographs.

The photo caption must include the location, title, and year the photo was taken.

Image format and size

  • Photographs must be in digital format, but do not need to be taken with a digital camera; scans of negatives, transparencies, and photographic prints are acceptable. 
  • All digital files must be 20 megabytes or smaller, in jpeg or tif format, and 300 dpi.
  • The caption should include the location and (when possible) the date the photo was taken.
  • We cannot accept original negatives, prints, or slides. Any submissions received in these formats will be disqualified, and will not be returned. 
  • WRRC accepts no responsibility for any lost or misplaced flash drives. Flash drives, disks, and/or image files will not be returned.   

How to enter and name your photographs

Please go to the contest home page to access the online form.

Use one of the methods below to submit your completed form and photographs.

  • Online (recommended)
  • Posted Mail (postmarked by Dec. 20, 2024) – include completed entry form and photos on CD or flash drive.
    Mail to:
    WRRC Photo
    350 N. Campbell Ave.
    Tucson, AZ  85719
    • WRRC accepts no responsibility for loss of data during an upload. Be sure to back up the data before entering the contest.
    • WRRC accepts no responsibility for any lost or misplaced flash drives. Flash drives, disks, and/or photos files will not be returned.       

IMPORTANT: Label all submitted photos as follows:

Last name-first name-image number-short title-year picture taken-location (example: "Smith-John-01-Down-the-drain-2024-Tucson.jpg”)
Make sure the description and photo file numbers match.

Note: Photos that violate or infringe upon another person’s rights, including but not limited to copyright, are not eligible.
Do not submit negatives, prints or slides.

Entry deadline - All entries must be received by 11:59 pm, Friday, Dec. 20, 2024.

What rights to my photograph do I retain?

You retain ownership and all rights to your photograph; however, by entering the contest, entrants grant the WRRC permission, royalty-free, to publish submitted photos on the Center’s website and to reproduce images for outreach and promotional purposes. Any photograph reproduced will include a photographer credit as feasible. The University of Arizona – Water Resources Research Center will not be required to pay any consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such uses.

Can I submit photographs that have been entered in past contests?

Photos which have been entered into previous WRRC photo contests and/or other photo contests may be submitted with the following exception: No past WRRC contest “winning” photos may be submitted.

Do you accept non-digital photographs?

We accept high-quality scanned images of non-digital photographs. We do not, however, accept HARD COPY prints, negatives, or transparency film  (should any of these be submitted to us, they will not be returned).

Will you accept negatives and/or slides?

No, just digital and/or scanned images submitted electronically.

Do you accept black-and-white photographs?

Yes. Also, color photographs changed to black and white are acceptable; however, please make sure that any additional adjustments you make to the image abide by the rules concerning enhancing or altering photographs.

Can photographs be cropped?

Cropped photographs are eligible.

Can photographs be manipulated or enhanced?

No, we do not accept digitally or otherwise enhanced or altered photos.

Cropped photos are eligible. Minor adjustments, including spotting, dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast and slight color adjustment or the digital equivalents, are acceptable. If the judges determine that a photographer has altered his or her photo, we reserve the right to disqualify it.

Do I need model release form(s) for people in my photo?

If they are recognizable, and especially if they are children, you need to submit a model release form with your entry.

A release form is available here.

I want to submit a photograph of a stranger(s) that was shot spontaneously. There is no way I will be able to get their signature for a model release. What do I do?

It is understandable that photographers taking pictures in public places may be unable to secure a model/subject release form, so please feel free to enter your photographs in these types of situations. Please provide a detailed description of the circumstances of your photograph and we will review your entry. 

When will the winning photos be announced?

The winning photographers will be will be announced at the 2024 Chocolate Fest. Winners will be notified via email.

Who selects the winners?

WRRC staff and guest judges will meet to review and select the winning photographs and determine the winners.

Will I be notified if my photo was NOT selected?

No. Due to the large number of submissions, only the finalists will be notified. If you do not hear from WRRC by Jan 15th, then your photograph has not been selected.

What if my digital photo does not have a resolution at least 300 dpi at 8 x 10 inches?

Without this requirement met, WRRC cannot consider your photograph as a possible finalist or winner in our contest.

Is it OK to enter a photograph that has been on my website?

Yes, your photograph is eligible for submission. However, photographs that have been published (except online) are not eligible.