WRRC Water Webinar: Advancing Water Sustainability: A Vision for Research and Engagement at the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center

Todd Taylor - The Bite, Nov 2021, Aravaipa Canyon

Image: Todd Taylor - The Bite, Nov 2021, Aravaipa Canyon





Speaker: Jamie McEvoy, PhD
Associate Professor of Geography, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University

Watch the recorded webinar

Arizona faces a pressing challenge in ensuring water sustainability for its communities and ecosystems. As a candidate for the Associate Director and Extension Specialist position at the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center, Dr. Jamie McEvoy will discuss her vision for advancing water sustainability in Arizona through research and engagement. She will provide an overview of her background as a human-environment geographer and discuss key aspects of her previous research on 1) desalination, 2) climate adaptation, 3) nature-based strategies, and 4) ecological drought. Her talk will highlight the research question(s), methodological approach, collaborations and partnerships, funding, and key findings from her research on each of these topics. Additionally, McEvoy will discuss the Arizona water issues that she is most interested in focusing on, including 1) climate-smart agriculture, 2) Tribal water, and 3) groundwater management. She will outline her philosophy for approaching research and engagement on each of these topics, discuss potential collaborations, and identify funding sources to support this vision. 

Jamie McEvoy headshot

Jamie McEvoy is an Associate Professor of geography at Montana State University where she teaches and conducts research on water governance and climate adaptation with a focus on equity. She received her PhD in Geography and Development from the University of Arizona in 2013. McEvoy has published on topics including participatory water planning, ecological drought, flood risk communication, desalination, climate adaptation, and nature-based strategies. Her recent grants include a Fulbright award to study nature-based water storage in Mexico and Canada and a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant to improve monitoring and preparedness for ecological drought in Montana.