An increasingly frequent urban sight (although not in Arizona and the West) green roofs demonstrate a new meaning and purpose for roofs. Roofs, a hitherto taken-for-granted, inauspicious urban feature, are being adapted to take advantage of the natural elements of water, sun, soil and vegetation, to achieve environmental benefits. In the process a new word is coined: roofscape.
Green roofs, also called “vegetated roof covers,” “living roofs,” or “eco roofs,” are conventional roofs of residential or commercial structures used to grow vegetation... more
Table of Contents:
- Q & A With Commissioner Salm?n, Mexico-United States International Boundary and Water Commission
- Green Roofs, A Heads-Up Way of Providing Urban Environmental Benefits - Water resource advantages number among green roof benefits
Special Project
- UA Engineering Students Take on African Water Project
- Public Policy Review: AZ Water Planning, A Glass Both Half Filled and Half Empty
News Briefs
- AZ Tribes Get Stimulus Money for Water Projects
- New Glen Canyon Dam Release Plan Ordered
- Report Notes Cost of Navigable Waters Confusion
Guest View
AWR Insert: Southwest Principal Aquifers Regional Ground-Water Quality Assessment The U.S. Geological Survey sponsored this insert to explain a study that will help to build a better understanding of the susceptibility and vulnerability of basin-fill aquifers to ground-water contamination.