July 11, 2013
Arizona Water Resource
Susanna Eden ed.
21 vol.
no. 3
8 pp.
Tucson, Arizona

On Saturday, June 1, 2013, water was released from Elephant Butte Reservoir in South Central New Mexico into the Rio Grande. It took more than two days to travel the 80 miles to fields near Las Cruces, as water soaked into the parched riverbed. Waiting for the flow were chile, pecan, cotton and alfalfa growers in Southern New Mexico, Western Texas and Mexico, as well as the city of El Paso, Texas, which depends on the Rio Grande for half its water supply. The Rio Grande is the fifth largest river in the United States, flowing roughly 1,900 miles from the Rocky Mountains in Southwestern Colorado to the Gulf of Mexico. In its journey, the Rio Grande serves ... more
Table of Contents:
- Drought Along the Rio Grande Highlights Water Management Complexities
- Arizona Researchers Address Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse
News Briefs
- Groundwater Depletion in the United States (1900−2008)
- New Visions, Smart Choices: Western Water Security in a Changing Climate
Guest View
Assessing Agricultural Needs in a New Era of Climate Information by Summer Waters, Nick Pacini and Ayman Mostafa, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County