Nurturing Dreams in the Field
Dec. 3, 2021

APW is back in the classroom and out in the field! After a very long period of only offering online classes, APW presenters have been itching to get their hands dirty and wet. While the number of students might be down, the excitement and fun have only increased.
An eager group of 8th graders recently went on a “Discovery Journey” of Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson. None of the students had been there before, but they quickly evolved into precocious scientists by noticing, wondering, and remembering their connection to nature. The exhilaration was palpable when a lizard was found and eventually freed unharmed, though not before students had the opportunity to observe the creature and learn how field scientists take measurements of live specimens, determine their sex, and record their observations.
At the Hassayampa River Preserve in Wickenburg, a contingent of 7th graders from Rainbow Valley Elementary School created their own hypotheses about the health of the riparian area. With clipboards in hand and science equipment in tow, they made their way to the field and water’s edge to bring their research to light. Their conclusion? The riparian area is healthy and SCIENCE IS FUN!
Image: Students testing for soil nutrients, Sandra Hurlbut