CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Cutting-edge Solutions to Wicked Water Problems Conference, September 10-11, 2017 in Tel Aviv, Israel

ANNOUNCEMENT: TRAVEL SUPPORT OPPORTUNITY for UA FACULTY (provided by the International Arid Lands Consortium)
The University of Arizona is a member of the International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC), which is a collaborating partner for the conference “Cutting-edge Solutions to Wicked Water Problems”, scheduled for September 10-11, 2017 in Tel Aviv, Israel. IALC is pleased to offer partial funding to up to four UA faculty members who present at the conference. The exact amount of support will depend on the number of faculty requesting support, but the minimum amount will cover the $450 registration fee.
Please see for the call for abstracts and list of topics. Abstracts are due April 17, 2017, with notification of acceptance expected by mid-May.
Jointly convened by the American Water Resources Association and The Water Research Center at Tel Aviv University, the conference co-chairs are Professors Dror Avisar, Tel Aviv University, and Sharon B. Megdal, University of Arizona.
The two-day conference will include a field trip to the Sorek Desalination Plant, the largest reverse osmosis desalination plant in the world, built and operated by IDE Technologies.
While preparation of a paper by presenters is not required, for those interested in a publication opportunity, the conference co-chairs are working with the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) to develop a featured collection of papers emanating from our conference. JAWRA is dedicated to publishing original papers characterized by their broad approach to water resources issues. All papers are refereed prior to publication. More information will follow when abstracts are accepted.
The biennial international water expo WATEC 2017 begins September 12 in Tel Aviv. Discounted registrations are available for WATEC for our conference participants.
To apply for IALC travel support, presenters should send the following information:
Name, Position, Contact Information, Title of Presentation, Abstract
to Barbara Hutchinson, IALC Communications Coordinator;
Those receiving travel support will be asked to provide a travel report including highlights of the meeting, contacts made, and possible follow-on activities. Reports from IALC-supported presenters may be compiled into an article about the conference for the IALC and JNF.