Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief, expressed bewilderment that intruding whites expected Indians to sell land. "Sell a country!" he exclaimed, "Why not sell the air, the…
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Water and Aesthetics Decorative water fountains are common architectural features in the Southwest, found in public plazas, malls, in front of government and…
Responding to the Town of Payson's sale of its Central Arizona Project (CAP) subcontract to a developer, the Department of Water Resources DWR) has…
Lake Pleasant behind the recently completed New Waddell Dam held some 150,000 acre-feet of water prior to the January-February storms. In early January, the…
Major increases in the cost of Central Arizona Project water may go into effect by January 1994, Central Arizona Water Conservation District board members…
Someone who is described as the "salt of the earth" is considered to be a goodly person. Salt with earth in this case connotes an unaffected beneficence. Salt…
Speculation abounded as to whether President Bush would sign the Omnibus Water Bill. He did so on October 30. Now Arizona and other western states are tallying…
The cost of assuring clean water in America's public water systems is about to get a lot more expensive. And while the financial burden will be felt by nearly…
The second Symposium on Settlement Indian Reserved Water Rights Claims was held in Albuquerque, NM on September 1-3 , 1992. Sponsored by the Native American…
The Governor's CAP Task Force has released a report that is as noteworthy for what it fails to recommend as for what it does (see accompanying artiele). The…
Mostly underground and out of sight, the effects of groundwater over-pumping and declining water tables are difficult for many people to envision, much less…
Long heralded as a water resource boon of immense benefit to the state, the Central Arizona Project (CAP) is now a source of frustration and controversy.…
Governor Symington signed into law on June 1 a controversial private property rights bill that requires the Attorney General to draft guidelines for state…
The Tohono O'odham (formerly Papago) Nation and the U.S. government filed suit in 1975 against groundwater pumpers in Pima County, seeking tribal water rights…
The Central Arizona Water Conservation District's plans to promote indirect recharge (March AWR, p.1) have induced Central Arizona Project farmers to contract…