Well-Received Conference Reaches Many
Sept. 17, 2021

The WRRC 2021 Annual Conference, Tribal Water Resilience in a Changing Environment, attracted nearly 800 attendees over the three-day event. Attendees from around the world joined the virtual program to hear the speaker’s perspectives and visions for Tribal water resilience. Local, state, federal, and Tribal governments, professional associations, water utilities and irrigation districts, academics and students, businesses, and interested citizens were represented. Attendees included more than 40 Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities, 22 countries, 27 US states, and 14 of Arizona’s 15 counties. We are thrilled to have reached such a broad audience. Since wrapping up, the WRRC has received many positive and gracious comments. Here is a selection of the feedback we received:
“I’ve never attended, either physically or virtually, such a well-organized well-presented meaningful seminar. I’ll be digesting its various contents for months … I have never had such an academically and emotionally mind-expanding experience.”
“It was wonderful rich content and went off without a hitch. I found portions of it to be very moving and other parts were technically interesting, just a great combo … it really was a remarkable event.”
“This is among the nation’s most impactful and influential water conferences.”
“Great conference. It was so energizing to listen to so many great participants …”
“… a very excellent conference. I learned a lot about how other tribes and individuals feel about water.”
“Congratulations! Wonderful symposium … For me, what brought smiles (and somewhat tears) was how happy and proud of this new generation we can all be. This all could not have happened fifty years ago ... the quality and dedication exhibited over the last three days is testimony to those that walked before with their ‘eyes on the prize.’”
Conference recordings and presentations (where permission was granted) are posted to our website and freely available.
Image: Grand Falls, AZ, Stephan Koch, WRRC 2020 Photo Contest