High School Students Visit UArizona to Prepare for Statewide Envirothon Competition
Jan. 21, 2020

Envirothon coach Patrice Whalen said, "You should have heard the chatter in the van on the way home!" after the 2020 Arizona Envirothon Symposium held at UArizona last Saturday. Her students were some of the 65 high school students attending this year's symposium with their 17 coaches. The symposium is coordinated by the Environmental Sciences Department and Arizona Project WET. Dr. Martha Whitaker presented the keynote address, "Water Resources Management: Local Control and Local Solutions." Dr. David Walker shared his expertise in aquatic ecology; Dr. Michael Bogan engaged the students in thinking about food chains, webs and their connection to water; Dr. Craig Rasmussen stressed the importance of soil to water management; and Dr. Jackie Maximillian built an understanding of forest management's impacts on water quality. The afternoon ended with Dr. Tom Wilson sharing tips on the delivery of competition-winning presentations.
The symposium prepared students for the 2020 Arizona Envirothon competition being held on April 3-4, at the R-C Scout camp near Payson.