Film Overview:
Executive Produced and Narrated by Robert Redford and Directed by award-winning filmmaker, Mark Decena, WATERSHED tells the story of the threats to the once-mighty Colorado River and offers solutions for the future of the American West.
Sweeping through seven U.S. and two Mexican states, the Colorado River is a lifeline to expanding populations and booming urban centers that demand water for drinking, sanitation and energy generation. And with 70% of the rivers’ water supporting agriculture, the river already runs dry before it reaches its natural end at the Gulf of California.
The Redford Center created WATERSHED as an inspirational social action tool for people who want to engage. Promoting personal water conservation pledges of 5% – symbolic of the small amount of the rivers’ flow required to reconnect the river to its delta – and garnering donations to help purchase the water rights necessary to restore the connectivity, WATERSHED is a central tool in a larger grassroots effort focused on saving the Colorado River and supporting the communities throughout the river basin.
Tucson Panel:
WATERSHED concludes with a personal call to action to conserve water and pledge donations to help restore the Colorado River Delta. Immediately following the free movie screening in Tucson, a panel discussion will illuminate what is being done in our community to conserve water and create this new water ethic. This panel will explore the Basin’s water supply challenges, describe the current state of Delta ecosystem – including why it matters that flows are restored and what restoration work is already being done – and conclude with offering local solutions that individuals can do tomorrow and work toward in the coming years.