Tucson Conserve to Enhance Workshop for Funding Local Enhancement Projects





Emily Brott
Sonoran Institute;
Lisa Shipek
Watershed Management Group
Candice Rupprecht

Tucson Conserve to Enhance (C2E) program leaders will provide an update on C2E successes and share opportunities for new participants to join and grant funding for neighborhood projects. Tucson C2E is seeking community leaders with ideas on how to improve local rivers and washes.  In 2013, the Tucson C2E program will invest funds raised from C2E participants and the Tucson Water bill check box to fund Community Enhancement Projects.  Community Enhancement Projects will directly benefit a neighborhood's natural areas and waterways through conservation and restoration practices. More information about the grant process will be covered at the workshop; please come with your project ideas to discuss with the C2E team.

An RSVP is required for this special Brown Bag Workshop.  Please RSVP at http://watershedmg.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=201.  For questions contact Candice Rupprecht  or 520-621-6318.

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars are held at the Sol Resnick Conference Room
Water Resources Research Center, 350 N. Campbell Ave.,

The views, opinions, advice or other content expressed by the author(s) or speaker(s) are their own and do not represent those of the Water Resources Research Center.